Tuesday 12 July 2016

Trans-Labrador Highway

Before I forget (again), Luke has is own blog now too:
If you're looking for more photos, less chit-chat, that's the place to go!

The trans-Labrador was generally much better than I expected. The roads were pretty decent, except for a couple of stretches that had lots of potholes and loose gravel. There was much more traffic too. There was at least a dozen vehicles a day, sometimes quite a bit more...I was prepared to not see anyone at all. We didn't bother picking up one of the complimentary SAT phones to take for the ride and I don't think we would have needed it if we had problems. I'm sure it's different when it isn't summer though.

The Quebec portion was very nice. Beautiful forests and not too many bugs. We stopped briefly at Manic-2, the smaller of the Manic hydro stations. Twice the amount of water of Niagara Falls comes out of its spillway!

There is also Manic-5, which is enormous! We sadly just missed the last tour of the day, but it was worth just driving past it.

It's hard to appreciate how large it is from this picture, but it's 700 feet tall.
View from the top:

Manic-5 is at the southern tip of the river that comes down from Lac Manicouagan, where a 5km asteroid hit over 200 million years ago. Here's an overhead image of it, from wikipedia:

There's a hike at Mt.Groulx, where you can get a view the crater. We learned about it too late to do the hike, but next time!
I did take a photo of the edge of it though:

There are some beautiful rocks in the area--maybe formed from the impact of the asteroid? Anyway, here's a shiny example:

And here the sunset from our first night:

That was the first day on the highway. More to come!

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